About Ape Gum

Ape Gum and Facial Form and Function

Ape Gum is about reversing the damage of craniofacial dystrophy and promoting healthy facial habits to produce proper facial structure development.
Proper facial development brings about attractive jawlines, straight teeth, and unobstructed breathing. Ape Gum is about simplifying facial and oral health through innovation.

Ape Gum Philosophy

Ape is about helping people understand and utilize their intrinsic nature.
As our world has modernized, people focused on the development of the socially acceptable part of their minds and souls. Ascribing a superficial aspect to the more primal aspects of our psychology and bodies. This has led to an imbalance, causing confusion and suffering in an incalculable way. Leading many to feel insecure for feeling insecure about the way they look, feel, and think. The dichotomy between the primal and rational parts of our psychology needs to be reconnected and balanced. When one aspect is to great, it leads to chaos, cruelty, insecurity, and mediocrity. Currently, one way this imbalance has manifested itself, is through the deterioration of our facial structures as a consequence of craniofacial dystrophy. It represents the sedating, complacent, flaccid, weakening trends spread across civilization affecting each individual. When applied to this one aspect of our lives, our faces, the soft foods we eat represent our disillusionment in the comforts of modern society and the root cause of the weakening of our facial structures. Your face Is an expression of your soul. It grants you prominence among the minds of others.

Ape Gum Goal

We aim to help people become more Ape, more true to themselves.